Tahelka magazine photo journalist young Tarun Sehrawat sacrifices life for his passion and profession!
New Delhi: Photo journalist with Tehelka magazine, Tarun Sehrawat passed away this morning at the Medanta Hopsital in New Delhi. He was only 23 years old.
Tarun was ailing since last month from deadly cerebral malaria, contracted during field tour to Maoist stronghold of Abujmarh, Chhattisgarh. His colleague and reporter Tusha Mittal, 27, survived and recovered well.
Sehrawat and Mittal had gone to the hinterlands of Abujmarh for a story where they contracted the detrimental fever caused by cerebral malaria. Tarun along with the dreadful fever was simultaneously diagnosed with typhoid and jaundice as well, which deteriorated his condition. Cremation ceremony will be held today at the Lodhi Crematorium, New Delhi.