Moscow: The Vladimir Putin-led Russian government has announced that it will sell Iran its sophisticated S-300 surface-to-air missiles. The announcement also lifted the ban on sales of missiles to Iran.
This gives Tehran a new way to defend itself against any future bombing campaigns. The decision came when Iran is negotiating with the United States and five other world powers to restrict its nuclear program in return for a reduction of sanctions.
The decision also proves that US President Barack Obama is rapidly losing his pressure on the international consensus related to Iran.
The decision also sets a deadline for Israel to attack Iran, since Israel has treated the S-300 system as a danger and has attacked Syria several times recently to prevent advanced Russian air defense and anti-ship missile systems from becoming operational.
Earlier, Russia had signed a $800 million deal to deliver S-300s to Iran in 2007, but decided to stop delivery after the United States and Israel protested that Tehran could use them to protect its nuclear facilities.